Coming to terms

There's a lot of hype about minimalist living going around these days, with the phrases "minimalist style" and "minimal wardrobe" being thrown around interchangeably.  While they sound like the same thing, they are actually quite different: someone with minimalist style will have a wardrobe made up of simple basics without adornment or decoration but might have a large number of items, someone with a minimal wardrobe will have overall less items but might have more statement or unique pieces.  There are also people who have both a minimalist style and a minimal wardrobe - fewer items of classic pieces.  

Considering the different meanings of "minimalism" in the current fashion lexicon, I figured I should clear up what I mean about frequent terms I use on this blog:

  • Slow fashion: buying less, buying better quality.  Also includes avoiding pieces that cannot be worn either for several years and/or multi-seasonally.  Versatile fashion investments fit in this category.   
  • Ethical fashion: made with respect for human rights and/or the ethical treatment of animals (vegan fashion, humane wool/silk, etc.).  Also called sweatshop-free fashion or cruelty-free fashion.  
  • Sustainable fashion: made with respect for the environment.  This can include factories run on sustainable energy sources, fabric created from sustainable crops, closed-loop manufacturers using recycled fabric, etc.  This category is constantly growing with the number of innovations currently being developed in the fashion industry.  Also called eco-fashion or environmentally-conscious fashion.  
  • Fair trade fashion: made by workers being paid a fair wage.  This is often included in the ethical fashion category but is separated by having a fair trade certification from an accredited fair trade organization.  Fair trade certification can be difficult and expensive to obtain, so many ethical fashion brands do without it while still paying a living wage to their workers.

What are some other fashion terms that you find confusing?

Tee: Slak (old, also seen here) / Culottes: U.N.I. / Shoes: Arnold Churgin (old) / Necklace: Fossil (old) / Bracelet: Swarovski (old) / Rings: Trisha Flanagan, Tribe of Lambs

Photos: Nicole Wee


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