The things I never wear

With the seasonal changeover happening in all the clothing stores right now it's impossible to miss the advertising for "essentials" and the latest "must-haves".  And while there are definitely pieces that are very useful for most women to have in their closet, I've noticed that I tend to get more use out of the unique pieces in my wardrobe with a few basics built around them.  Case in point - while I own a little black dress I almost never wear it, but I do get plenty of use out of my 1960's style, super high-waist, fitted denim pencil skirt (pictured).  Even with a capsule wardrobe I find there's still room for pieces that don't fit on the traditional list of closet staples.  

It really boils down to what you need your clothing to do: whether to convey an attitude, express your individuality, or simply to keep you comfortable while handling whatever life throws your way.  Even while working in a place that requires a dress code for professionalism and/or safety regulations you'll notice that not everyone dresses the same way; there are always signs of different tastes.  What is essential in one person's wardrobe will not be a staple to someone else, which is why I've always been a proponent of figuring out what my own essentials are instead of letting someone else dictate what they should be.  

What pieces in your wardrobe do you always wear?

Top: Suka Clothing / Skirt: Miss Sixty (old) / Shoes: John Fluevog (old) / Necklace: Fossil (old)

Photos courtesy of Nicole Wee


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